Yesterday I felt sort of miserable. And then last night it morphed into a full-blown virus of some kind.  These are a few anecdotes for you to enjoy: 1. I watched Season 6 of Scrubs. And half of Season 7….
Category: Humor
Much like the accidental discoveries of Post-It notes or Superglue, I found that I have the recipe for a perfect evening. Forgive me if the measurements are not exact. 4 lovely women 1 baby gluten-free pasta salad/Persian rice/vegetable soup homemade…
I am not a superstitious person, but recently things have been a little crazy around here…and now I am looking over my shoulder… On Saturday my flatmates and I were washing our balcony (spring cleaning!). We have a faucet on…
Music in department stores is the same, no matter where in the world you are. As I wandered the one department store at one of the malls in Haifa last night with a friend, I realized that the piped-in music…
The last week has been full of technological misadventures. I don’t know what is going on in the universe…but really, I could use some help! *sigh* – I bought a memory card for my camera on Wednesday. After taking several…
I wore these earrings today, which I bought a year ago: They’re metal and quite heavy. I walked over to a table at lunch where several of my friends were sitting. The guys immediately noticed the earrings and starting discussing…
This morning was a little ridiculous. Lucia came over to eat breakfast with me before the Celebration of the Birth of the Bab (we’re on a lunar calendar for some Holy Days here). In the span of 20 minutes, I…
It completely slipped my mind to write a blog post about this when it happened… A few weeks ago my flatmates and I were having a quiet evening at home, I was chatting with my dad on the phone. Suddenly…
Maysoon suggested that Andrew and Jinous make a video for my birthday. This is the result. I love you all so much.  —————————— Also, thank you to all of the lovely people who sent me “Happy Birthday” wishes…I can’t possibly…
I was browsing articles on when I saw this article about chickens increasingly being raised as pets (and for their eggs). It seemed like a fairly normal story…and then I started laughing out loud when I saw the following…
Every morning about 10 of us take a sherut to work from our apartment building. A sherut is like a mini-bus, and it arrives every day at 7:45 am. Today it did not arrive. 8 of us stood outside our…
Last night our friend Daniel B. invited me, my flatmate Sahar, and a few other friends to a dinner at his new apartment to celebrate his move from our building. We arrived at 6 pm and started helping prepare the…
I’d like to say, for the record, that while I love being lazy and staying home once in a while, a couple of weeks worth of being trapped in your flat can do weird things to your brain. I’ve started…
Today, after walking around the Arc gardens I came back to work and the path was blocked by lawn sprinklers. I thought I could time it right…but I didn’t. Luckily I didn’t get completely drenched, but it was pretty funny….
I questioned my own existence for a moment last week. It only lasted for a second, but it was quite terrifying. While in conversation on MSN with one of my friends back home, she asked “Sholeh, is that you talking…
Someone didn’t quite make it. On the soccer field, Friday.
I thought I was prepared. I had the box of cereal ready, and I remembered that I had strawberries in the fridge. I casually open the fridge to get the milk… horrors! NO MILK! So instead I feasted on some…
There was this cough that infected the BWC, echoing down the mountain. You may scoff, but trust me on this, the rockets were never this loud. The lady afflicted by the curse hid in corners and behind stairs but the…
And now the heroine embarks on an epic journey. There were going to be dangers along the way…dragons, a couple of bad-tempered wizards, and maybe even a few evil spirits. One could never know with epic journeys. That is part…
I never knew it would be this hard. How do I choose?! hahahaha.
Dear friends and family, There was a freak incident this morning involving my phone and Carmen’s tea. I watched in horror as my phone skidded on the carpet, hit a bump, and flipped (while on a phone call) straight into…
I am not a good pet owner. The other night I took out our gerbil, Sushi, from his cage and put him in his exercise ball to run around the living room. I promptly forgot about him. One of my…
Oh, woe was me my glasses were lost I looked all day I was really quite cross. In purses and bags, the kitchen and room, the car, the gym, even the vacuum! Under the chairs, behind the couch I was…
I have a drawer at work devoted to chocolate. Sometimes people give me chocolate, and in fact I was stuffing a Kit Kat bar into my mouth this afternoon when two Snickers bars were dropped onto my desk. Food (specifically…
I like bird nests. My sister and I used to collect them as children, along with any eggshell pieces we would find discarded. I like birds, too. But when a bird interferes with my everyday life, I get a little…
We are never too old to play dress-up. (Sarah L & I get into some cloth. Lots of laughing and picture taking ensues.) As we looked at our collection of materials, I realized that I really wanted to make a…
I came back to the city Sunday night after visiting my family in the suburbs over the weekend. It was nearly 11 pm and I had a car to unload. Sarah L was staying with me, and so I enlisted…
One of my friends pointed me in the direction of this article at BBC about Adidas & Puma. “It’s quite a crazy story because in this little town, Herzogenaurach, a cobblestoned medieval town, you have two of the world’s biggest…
that are awesome about working for a large corporation at headquarters: 10. Free mouthwash in the bathrooms…with little disposable cups. 9. Parking is never a problem. 8. Italian ice for afternoon snacks. 7. Free camp chairs with the company logo…
(Two cube monkeys pass each other’s desks) Coworker #1: I hope you choke on your sandwich. Coworker #2: Yeah, well, I hope you slip on your orange peel. So much love at the office. The benefit of no walls on…