This is for you, running through this wild maze. I’ve seen you struggle to overcome these walls, these endless green heights surrounding our thoughts. You’re beautiful, loves, every last one of you.
I like Chicago. I firmly believe it is one of the most beautiful cities in the country. Chicago Public Library
This is has been my view every day for the last four years. Today was beautiful. I took this while holding textbooks in one hand and a purse in the other, while wearing 3 inch heels. I’ve got mad skillz….
Zucchini, broccoli, carrots, and onions, fried in some canola oil with salt, pepper, garlic. Simple, fast, healthy, yum. Serve over rice or as a side dish. The weather was so beyootiful today!! I was ecstatic, and celebrated by purchasing some…
Have you ever been walking down the street in your business slacks and heels with a snazzy purse on your shoulder makeup done perfectly, not a hair out of place striding down the sidewalk with an emphatic click on each…
I don’t normally like to rhyme so much, but this poem just wanted to be written, I had no control over it. 😉 I see one taking up the burden and this one holding down the fort one reaching out…
It is the Baha’i New Year, Naw-Ruz. It is also the Persian New Year. When I went home last night I was greeted with a haft-sin table, which included a lot of very cute goldfish swimming merrily in a bowl….
I wonder where my friends are. I wonder why people read, but don’t leave a comment saying hi. I know you’re out there, blog-lurkers. Silent readers who visit the page and whisk themselves away before writing me a little message….
Never shall I abandon this intoxicating bliss Since you conquered my heart before I ever existed. -Sa’di The ink on this page bleeds through spreads to make artistic patterns on an otherwise pristine desk I look in dismay at the…
Sometimes this is about me, and sometimes it is about things I see. Sometimes the things I see pertain to me. The 114 pounds of this slender frame can’t hold you all up indefinitely. The standards that were set have…
I may actually be allergic to theological discussions. Hear me out. I was at our Baha’i Youth Desk meeting here at my house when some people started on a tangent about something. I don’t really know what they were saying,…
I feel a certain reticence in my speech right now. Last night Lindsey asked if I wanted gum…and I didn’t, because I didn’t have the energy to move my jaw. hmm. The beautiful sun and warmth of yesterday was replaced…
If you don’t know Sarah L, orignally from in Minnesota but now residing on the East Coast, you totally wish you did. I will even give you examples: Sarah: ugh, i am sick of england Me: ?? Sarah: this is…
There was a man on the bus who talked on his cell phone to an unseen face explaining how to cook pork chops (just salt, that is what I use. Or squeeze lemon!) He talked about not having taken a…
I don’t like spaces. Between sentences they’re ok. But not between people. ————————— Happy Ayyam-i-Ha, everyone…party tonight was off the hook. 🙂
At the clinic today I went to the staff lounge to get some tea (my eyes were trying to close, and I had no toothpicks available to prop them open). Usually the lounge is quiet and empty…but I happened to…
this hurts. i am not accustomed to making you miserable. or you. and you… well, you and i do not yet know how this will be resolved since resolution requires communication and this, while it constitutes words and sounds, is…
These are the colors we chose for our dining room wall “mural”. It is all done now, but you’ll have to come over to our house to see the finished product. 😀 (Actually, I haven’t gotten around to taking a…
Wierd Diagnoses: Flap Wound: yes, this is what it sounds like. This particular person had it on their finger. ouch! Flat Feet: I am sorry to anyone who has flat feet, but every time I type this in I think…
i don’t know what to blog about my muse fell off a cliff and bounced on the sharp rocks below (making cornbread from my own recipe and baking chocolate cupcakes. you know you’re jealous) Chance of flurries tonight. Whenever I…
There was a woman sitting contentedly at the bus stop today. She had a green knit hat. It looked homemade. I sat next to her on the small bench, pulled out my textbook to read (exams next week). She asked…
Sometimes, my friends, it is easy to get caught up in things. Inspiration and guidance is always found in the Writings. We are here on this planet for a reason. 😉 —————————— The advent of the prophets and the revelation…
Help! If you are one of my computer literate friends that lives nearby, I am asking for assistance. My computer refuses to connect to the internet, even though the other computers on the wireless network in the house can connect….
Today I resorted to eating a frozen dinner. There were several reasons for this: a) laziness b) busy working on things and studying c) laziness Anyways, it was a Michelina’s Pepper Steak & Rice entree (although it really is more…
I feel snazzy today. All dressed up in my black suit, I feel like a high-powered executive. Seriously though, there is something about wearing a suit that makes me more…responsible and motivated. Not as comfortable as jeans and a hoodie,…
(Our school mascot. I don’t know what it is wearing.) I have realized that I may refer to my classes once in a while this semester, given that some of them are rather amusing (or rather, the professors are amusing)….
There are ways to make the food you love to eat, even if you have a gluten allergy. It isn’t very severe for me, as I can eat bread once in a while without problems. But I love being able…
Some people may not realize this, but I love lists. I write everything down. When a professor is droning on about histograms and normal deviation, I make lists of errands I have to run, emails I need to write…whatever! These…
This is an interesting edge I’m trembling on. There are corners to the universe here that I never realized existed. You (and I mean “You” in the multiple sense) and I (and by “I” I mean me) have an erratic…
We don’t know what it is, either. It appeared suddenly in the living room one evening, and of course was immediately experimented with. Shannon tests it out. Gavin & Shannon turn into an alien. “Are we done taking pictures yet?”…