It is 99 degrees F outside right now, and the neighbors opened up the fire hydrant on the corner…kids and adults are playing in the water. I wish I could get a picture of it…such typical hot summer day behavior….
I took the red line today. This means I was on a train for 1 hour, most of which was underground. The train used to be my favorite form of public transportation. The hypnotic motion as it hurtled toward its…
I turned on the television to see if a storm was coming in. Why did I even bother? I could have checked on the computer. I left it on out of pure laziness, and I felt like my brain was…
that I love avocado smoothies. They make me happier than almost anything except flan. Oh, and I really, really like puns. Yes, I do. I am sorry if this makes you not want to be friends with me. It has…
The tunnels under the skyscrapers feel abandoned, misused, dirty and alone but somehow still mysterious. We don’t know what is behind those pillars, walls, fences, and doors, hiding away the basement of the city. Maid and bellboys from the big…
this is not this is not this is …again, where we stand. perfectly still… again, my heart in my throat my head in my hands. This is a very large, very empty Room. (Click to enlarge)
sushi brussel sprouts blanched almonds coffee ice cream flan cooking/baking dancing in the rain swimming in Lake Michigan swimming in the Atlantic Ocean making sand castles dancing (especially salsa, though I’m not very good at it) exploring forests climbing trees…
The questions are leaping ahead of answers, right now. I keep writing to stay in the game, or maybe just to stay sane. ———————————– I have two days of the year that are my favorites. The first is Naw-Ruz (the…
snapped out of it, thanks to assistance from various areas, not the least of which was prayer. I spun on the beach with hands above my head and my wrap flying in the air and walked into water that was…
What with a surplus of weddings (Tajalli & Amir, Gavin & Kiyomi) and various other fun activities, I’ve neglected the poor blog. I’m so very sorry about that. On Friday, I accompanied the illustrious Shannon and the fantastic Andrew to…
I apologize for the lack of entries this month…It has been a little busy. I attended a wedding in Minnesota this past weekend, and another set of friends is getting married this weekend. zooom! Batman Begins was a great movie….
This is the first time that I truly understood this. I sit back in wonder, my face lit by the computer screen and I’m aware of everything, sensing the truth innately. When I pray, it is beyond form reaching out…
I went to an art gallery when I was in Atlanta. On the roof of the gallery was this piece of art by my aunt & uncle’s friend (most of my dad’s family are professional artists). It was a bunch…
We did service at the Chicago Baha’i Center today. It was a small group (remarkably smaller than the group that shows up at say….beach volleyball). But we ended up having a good time, ate food, and took care of the…
I loved the Botanical Gardens in Atlanta. I went with my grandma, uncle, and cousin, and it was just fantastic. There was a whole section in the greenhouse devoted to orchids of all varieties. There were also birds flying around,…
I promise I’ll write soon. I promise. Atlanta was GREAT. Pictures and such things soon.
This article is about Internet connections being set up in rural areas to help connect remote villages to the rest of the world. I think that this is amazing. I know that the India is trying to get more technological…
Why do I sometimes get the feeling that I am alone? Alone in my love for the strange, the green, the disliked members of the family of vegetables! Oh, broccoli, okra, and brussel sprouts, fried, baked, boiled or raw, how…
A very, very old shoe! Part of the “fun” of growing up means that you can’t go outside when the weather is PERFECT. The most exposure I’ve had to the sun today is grabbing lunch to go across the street…
Can’t put the words in to sentences that make sense lethargy consumes me…wait, it consumes you, and I’m just here for the beautiful view. There is a disconnect between our hearts and intellects under-educated because self-education is just too hard….
Go here for Andrew’s story of what happens when a deer hits a car… Took two finals in the last 24 hours, I’m so tired! One more tomorrow, and I’m DONE. whee! Summer can’t come soon enough (although the weather…
Sholeh + Neda + Dubious Estate Sale = Hilarity. We had way too much fun. I really couldn’t even figure out what some of these knicknacks were! There was a random head sitting on a table…and it thoroughly freaked out…
For the next week, I am consumed by the Baha’i National Convention and Finals. I’m done next Wednesday at 5 pm, hurrah! But for serious, I have 10 pages to type tonight, so I’m going to get on that now….
(click to make them bigger…) The new fountain at the House of Worship… Blue, oh so blue…
Happy First Day of Ridvan! I got to vote for a Local Spiritual Assembly for the first time this year, it was very exciting. 🙂 I sit here, struggling to write my paper for Sociology…I have part of it done….
It is perfect. There is that breeze with the mixed up smells of spring, car exhaust, and humidity. The back door is propped open and we’ve put the deck furniture back out (what little we have!). It took me 10…
Even I fall slowly down when I hear words from the other half of me. This is true, I know and yet somehow you and me are not you and me. It is not for now, it may never be….
Me: “Ramez…you do realize that we’re really big nerds? We’re sitting in the computer lab, when each of us has computers at home.” Ramez: “Ah, that’s true, but we don’t have the luxury at home of sitting in chairs with…
*The world moved too fast for me today. I was scrambling to keep up, even with 6 eggs (3 for breakfast, 3 for dinner) I have a protein craving, perhaps. (get it?) *I missed the stop on the train again,…
I rode the train today, red line to roosevelt bus. I missed the Roosevelt stop, and ended up in Chinatown. Too immersed in my book, I did not mind the delay. I come home to discover a gift of chewy…