These are the colors we chose for our dining room wall “mural”. It is all done now, but you’ll have to come over to our house to see the finished product.
(Actually, I haven’t gotten around to taking a final picture yet…will do that soon, I promise!)
We painted it all in 2 evenings, and did not spill a drop of paint ANYWHERE. We’re just awesome like that. Mad skillz in my house, yo.
I forgot how much I like painting! Especially using a roller…haven’t done it in such a long time. My dad, being awesome as he is, taught us how to paint when we were young, which is useful when you grow older and have to do things for yourself. I’m also not afraid to wield hedge clippers, a lawnmower, a handsaw, and various gardening/home repair tools. I may not be an expert, but I can get the job done.
PS: my internet magically started working again after nearly 2 weeks of sulking. Silly computer. *shakes head*
6 thoughts on “Paint!”
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I’ve got to say, the wall is awesome. A house full to the brim of talented decorators. By the time they’re done, the whole place will reek of creativity.
I have to agree with Dan, here. Our wall is SWEET. We’re so cool – ha!
Man, I LOVE those colors! Please tell me you’re going to post a picture and not keep the mural a secret. I won’t be able to get a full night’s rest until I see this thing!
I will post a picture eventually…I really would like as many people as possible to see it in person before posting a picture, because pictures don’t do it justice.
Dan- reeking of creativity? I wonder what that smells like…
OHHHHHH! I wanna see! Angie told me that you were all consulting on such a project, but she also told me that a produce stand side tracked Linds and her from actually acuiring the paint. It sounds like it is pretty cool! I hope that I can make it up there some time soon and see it!
Oh, Chi, how I miss you so…
Those colors just really made me happy. Go colors!