A Calm Storm

The blog of Sholeh Samadani Munion

Search Results for: ha

Space? Time?

So I’m pretty much without things to blog about. I started reading this book about Cambodia called “The Lost Executioner” at Barnes & Noble tonight, and got about 50 pages in before I had to leave the bookstore. There are…


stutter and gasp as I speak these words these words will not come out shine shine on and my heart rests on fragile strings negate my devotion lines running back through time there are parts of me that never left…


I HAVE A PHONE AGAIN! All is well with the world. Back in Chicago, party on Friday. Ok, now go and do something productive. This blog is definitely a waste of time. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Two Things

1. Does anyone has an old Verizon phone that they don’t want? I might not be able to get a replacement. 2. There is STILL a room open in my house, and if you have a friend that is looking…

Calling all klutzes…

Dear friends and family, There was a freak incident this morning involving my phone and Carmen’s tea. I watched in horror as my phone skidded on the carpet, hit a bump, and flipped (while on a phone call) straight into…

On the road again…

This is great! I’m driving to Minnesota tomorrow morning (Thursday) to visit my extended family there. I’ll get back on Sunday, probably. Then next Wednesday night I fly to Los Angeles, will be there for 5 days. Friday, October 27th:…

Well, yeah.

I am not a good pet owner. The other night I took out our gerbil, Sushi, from his cage and put him in his exercise ball to run around the living room. I promptly forgot about him. One of my…

I heart this town…

I’ve had the opportunity to be a bit of a tourist in my own town recently. I normally have a really hard time with tourists…they block sidewalks, gape at perfectly normal things (like the man painted silver on Michigan Avenue),…

The worth of words

This article by Michael Rogers was brought to my attention a few days ago. It puts forth the idea that in the future the need to analyze and extrapolate a complex book will not be a skill that most people…

Sick of being sick.

Apparently a pigeon was trapped on our sales floor for 2 hours yesterday. I missed the excitement because I was home sick. Most Chicagoans have a hate-hate relationship with pigeons…they’re always getting in the way and making a mess. I’m…

So quiet here.

The sky and the slate roofs of the warehouses are almost the same shade of grey, blending into each other today. A good weekend of family, friends, the Baha’i House of Worship (always home to me, no matter what and…


Happy Birthday to me! What a wonderful birthday…I ate so much chocolate I can’t even move. mmm. Thank you to everyone who called, left messages, texted, and sent smoke signals. I am surrounded by amazing family and friends. September seems…

The day of labor

This coming holiday weekend has special significance, since my birthday is one week from today. That is, September 4th. This weekend also promises to be very busy. Friends in from out of town, family, and several events, some of which…

A Paper Castle

I have a drawer at work devoted to chocolate. Sometimes people give me chocolate, and in fact I was stuffing a Kit Kat bar into my mouth this afternoon when two Snickers bars were dropped onto my desk. Food (specifically…

I learned something?!

My accounting and finance professors will be happy to know that I remember some of the things they taught me. I had a moment of shock during corporate training yesterday. I was able to answer a question about depreciation off…

Light is not enough.

constantly, consistently cold, the tips of my fingers shaking I retreat to the sun outside for an hour, just to revive quite sure that this is not the best way to work under a flourescence that does nothing to warm…

Gastronomical delights…

First of all, let me point out that Culver’s Chocolate Raspberry custard is all kinds of delicious. Real raspberries. Oh my. Again, thanks to the intrepid Adam L, we have…(drumroll please) MEATCAKE!! Yes, cake make out of meat, mashed potatoes,…

Default snack

Gluten-free bread + Kraft singles + sliced onion + toasting = DELICIOUS My current food obsession. Grilled cheese onion sandwiches, open face. Can you tell I’ve been lazy recently? ๐Ÿ™‚ My sandwiches, however, don’t have any images burned onto them….

How do we reach God?

Adam L pointed out this article to me about an art piece called a “Prayer Antenna” by Paul Davies. This started me thinking about why people of all faiths (or of no faith in particular) pray. Wikipedia has a good…

The Sea House

I dreamed about a house on a cliff last night it went on forever on the coast the waves crashed around and under the foundation it was in the mountains, abandoned there were stories draped around the house the corridors…


Last night at the Junior Youth Animator training we read the following quotation from the Baha’i Writings: “The more we search for ourselves, the less likely we are to find ourselves; and the more we search for God, and to…

Slow down

Answering questions is such a difficult thing sometimes. I have such an open face, you can read my soul in my eyes and smile most of the time. This is both good and bad. Sometimes we have to be just…

Mama bird

I like bird nests. My sister and I used to collect them as children, along with any eggshell pieces we would find discarded. I like birds, too. But when a bird interferes with my everyday life, I get a little…

Sand memories

Feet sinking in the worn-down rocks When was the last time We felt sea foam around our ankles? I still think that I can spend sand dollars And get change. Spiny horseshoe crabs are banned from the car (sensitive noses,…


When cleaning out spam, I accidently deleted Leslie & Sam’s comments. um…sorry guys. haha. ๐Ÿ˜›

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