A Calm Storm

The blog of Sholeh Samadani Munion

Search Results for: thou


I wrote this poem at the last open mic I attended in Chicago. I wanted to perform but I had nothing with me, so I wrote it at the last minute. 11/17/06 There are things surrounding me Pizza boxes and…


tipping over in streams flying down a million stairs I want to create the illusion of vastness in the little sideways pieces of buildings. I want to see the little ways that your words will take hold and stay in…

A few anecdotes…

– I injured my hand a little bit doing a cartwheel last night. I haven’t done one since this summer (on the soccer field) and since I did it in a living room…well, I was nervous about hitting the TV…


I am learning my way around…very slowly. I’ve found that taking taxis does not help me learn the city streets, and taxis can get expensive anyways. I’m not in much of a rush most of the time. I rode a…


I thought I was going to escape Chicago without getting hit by cold weather or snow, but I was wrong. We awoke Friday to a world buried under inches of snow. Check out these before and after pictures from Flickr…

The traveling dress

Mom and I got to hang out tonight and catch up on things while I made necklaces (one of my hobbies). Surrounded by my suitcases, she told me that one of the dresses that is in the “undecided” pile of…


i am drowning in the past all because i am leaving i am holding on dusty boxes and photos i leave fingerprints on these white walls. write down everything write every word and thought i don’t want to have to…

On the nature of the soul.

I was reading the latest issue of Discover magazine tonight, which had an article called “The God Experiments”. (Sorry, you have to be a subscriber to read the whole article.) They highlight different attempts at researching religion and religious experiences…


I have one month until I leave for Haifa. December 6th. The checklist continues to shrink. I have found a person to fill the spot in my house in Chicago, have gotten all of my paperwork done, purchased my plane…

When will we learn?

“O Son of Man! Breathe not the sins of others so long as thou art thyself a sinner. Shouldst thou transgress this command, accursed wouldst thou be, and to this I bear witness.” (Baha’u’llah, The Hidden Words) Are we so…

Space? Time?

So I’m pretty much without things to blog about. I started reading this book about Cambodia called “The Lost Executioner” at Barnes & Noble tonight, and got about 50 pages in before I had to leave the bookstore. There are…

Calling all klutzes…

Dear friends and family, There was a freak incident this morning involving my phone and Carmen’s tea. I watched in horror as my phone skidded on the carpet, hit a bump, and flipped (while on a phone call) straight into…

I heart this town…

I’ve had the opportunity to be a bit of a tourist in my own town recently. I normally have a really hard time with tourists…they block sidewalks, gape at perfectly normal things (like the man painted silver on Michigan Avenue),…

The worth of words

This article by Michael Rogers was brought to my attention a few days ago. It puts forth the idea that in the future the need to analyze and extrapolate a complex book will not be a skill that most people…

A Paper Castle

I have a drawer at work devoted to chocolate. Sometimes people give me chocolate, and in fact I was stuffing a Kit Kat bar into my mouth this afternoon when two Snickers bars were dropped onto my desk. Food (specifically…

Light is not enough.

constantly, consistently cold, the tips of my fingers shaking I retreat to the sun outside for an hour, just to revive quite sure that this is not the best way to work under a flourescence that does nothing to warm…

How do we reach God?

Adam L pointed out this article to me about an art piece called a “Prayer Antenna” by Paul Davies. This started me thinking about why people of all faiths (or of no faith in particular) pray. Wikipedia has a good…

Amaranth & Quinoa

I found this article on CNN about the growing demand for amaranth and quinoa, as well as other alternatives to wheat. “One reason for the fledgling demand is a growing awareness of celiac disease, which is triggered by gluten, the…


Most relaxing night EVER. I didn’t get home until 9:30 pm but it was for a good reason. Sometimes you just have to take care of yourself, to take the time so that you’re a productive member of society again….

A rivalry of shoes

One of my friends pointed me in the direction of this article at BBC about Adidas & Puma. “It’s quite a crazy story because in this little town, Herzogenaurach, a cobblestoned medieval town, you have two of the world’s biggest…

A vacation is…

singing along to music on a road trip scary gas station stops traveling on rickety bikes through the woods making s’mores each night on the campfire sharing a cabin with four other women watching sunsets laughing while stargazing naps in…


Whipped up rice pasta and green beans in a homemade garlic butter cream sauce for dinner. Made up the recipe as I went. whoosh! Made gluten-free brownies from scratch. whoosh! Cleaned out the fridge & microwave. whoosh! Ran to the…

A prayer

O my God! O Thou forgiver of sins, bestower of gifts, dispeller of afflictions! Verily, I beseech Thee to forgive the sins of such as have abandoned the physical garment and have ascended to the spiritual world. O my Lord!…

Georgia mornings

I wanted to say this morning felt like a Georgia spring morning when the heaviness in the air is the heat trying to start the day. I walked down Chicago city sidewalks covered in the spring green of seeds flying…


Tomorrow morning I will walk with the other students of the classes of ’05 & ’06 in the commencement ceremony of the College of Business. I graduated in December but we only have one ceremony per year. It is very…

The Dilemma of Lunch

I contemplate my upcoming hour of lunch with trepidation. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy my freedom and food. But it seems like it takes more planning than I really want to deal with these days. Have I become more…

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