Can’t put the words in to sentences that make sense lethargy consumes me…wait, it consumes you, and I’m just here for the beautiful view. There is a disconnect between our hearts and intellects under-educated because self-education is just too hard….
Category: Poetry
Even I fall slowly down when I hear words from the other half of me. This is true, I know and yet somehow you and me are not you and me. It is not for now, it may never be….
I rode the train today, red line to roosevelt bus. I missed the Roosevelt stop, and ended up in Chinatown. Too immersed in my book, I did not mind the delay. I come home to discover a gift of chewy…
This is for you, running through this wild maze. I’ve seen you struggle to overcome these walls, these endless green heights surrounding our thoughts. You’re beautiful, loves, every last one of you.
I don’t normally like to rhyme so much, but this poem just wanted to be written, I had no control over it. 😉 I see one taking up the burden and this one holding down the fort one reaching out…
Never shall I abandon this intoxicating bliss Since you conquered my heart before I ever existed. -Sa’di The ink on this page bleeds through spreads to make artistic patterns on an otherwise pristine desk I look in dismay at the…
I don’t like spaces. Between sentences they’re ok. But not between people. ————————— Happy Ayyam-i-Ha, everyone…party tonight was off the hook. 🙂
this hurts. i am not accustomed to making you miserable. or you. and you… well, you and i do not yet know how this will be resolved since resolution requires communication and this, while it constitutes words and sounds, is…
This is an interesting edge I’m trembling on. There are corners to the universe here that I never realized existed. You (and I mean “You” in the multiple sense) and I (and by “I” I mean me) have an erratic…
(A water main near my work exploded and coated trees and power lines in ice, creating a temporary ice world.) Here This is where those fragile moments came together in a dazzled display of laughter and inside jokes. This is…
I’ve started to forget the colors in a sunset. Of course I see the stereotypical gradients in my mind, likely placed there by television or National Geographic. It isn’t quite real, though. Here, the skies are cloudy or full of…
the threat of separation draws me in to this nightmare realm where I search calling your name there is an echo back… this scenario has happened before in a different situation in my dreams. I wait for you in the…
What happens when Sholeh is too busy to write blog entries? She blesses the world with poetry. Oct 9 This is what she is cloaked in Undermined by mystery She’s got no poker face Emotions concealed? No, openness is her…
Oh, speak with all of the words lingering in your heart, The ones that refuse to come out unless prodded. Speak and don’t be afraid of the emotions The dreams, the pain that come with speech. Just…speak, sing, shout out…
In those days past when summer was the overriding season our smiles were open the cynical twists of the mouth didn’t exist. There was no pain behind those eyes. It was the Sobes and the Guccis and the core Chicago…
If I was able to paint in dreams I would put on a canvas every fascinating nonexistent color. If I was a singer in dreams I could put pure joy to music, I could express impossible things with one note….
I once saw the deconstruction of the spirits of some friends Pieces pulled out one by one Each contained in a teardrop Absorbed by sweaters and t-shirts And the occasional torn and rumpled tissue
It is interesting to see how one question is answered Only to have another spring up. One task completed, and another come undone. As I write the words The ink disappears from the page. My sentences are muted, unraveled at…
I saw purple shoes walking down the street yesterday they looked a little sad plodding along, tongues hanging out wearily In September 80 degree weather. I don’t know what style they were or if they are offended by being labeled…
It has been utterly gray outside the kind that shifts my mood from blue to almost purple and back again to white It has been filled with red (I think that is the color of stress) with a bit of…
I look around and realize How little I know of the friends that I’ve spent hours and days with The trials in their minds and souls The fragility with which their thoughts are shaped. Clumsy, I stomp through this web…
If I could sleep right now and dream it would be…perfect. If I could look at you and smile right now I would be so happy. But I’ve memorized that glance with the slow grin And I’ve imprinted every memory…
Sign It is a sign from the Divine, he said A mysterious smile at the corner of his mouth Something falling randomly Taking hold and taking shape Twisted gently and broken down Something given from the hand of fate Built…
Twice or thrice had I loved thee, Before I knew thy face or name; So in a voice, so in a shapeless flame Angels affect us oft, and worshipp’d be… -John Donne, 1572-1631 Something about this selection just makes me…I…
enlighten me as to the philosophy that drives your mind, to this interesting, incompatible edge. understandably, I’m not impressed by this thought process. unnecessarily convoluted twisting around turns spiritually, I’m getting polluted. this constant scream and shout I’m feeling drowned…
Mission (Feb 2004) I lost sight of my mission somewhere along the way. At my birth I was given an inescapable task. “Go and teach, spread the Word, be worthy of your heritage.” Such a noble legacy, stories of heroism,…
I’m completely bundled up today from the knee-high boots on my feet to the coat I have named “Bear” to the scarf that wraps twice around my neck to the hood pulled up on my head. Even though Bear nearly…
These children, in their beats there is somethin’ missing you know I’m listening a fragile kinship blossoming I’m not saying I know it all but this generation hit a wall I’ll stumble but I’ll never fall on my knees but…
I got the feeling that we were delicately dancing around a few subjects tonight somehow the timing is never right I’m not sure how to express my thought process it is like a test I’m going through well, just between…
there is this image I can’t live up to the one in their mind’s eye and mine there is this misunderstanding of regret that clouds inner vision and dampens the fire Pride is one thing I think I’ve got it…