A Calm Storm

The blog of Sholeh Samadani Munion

All about photos!

It seems like I spend a lot of time snapping photos, editing, and posting.  I try to post photos within a week of taking them, mostly because I feel like it is a waste to just keep them on my hard drive where no one can see them.

Nylon Parla has had two themes posted in the last few months: “Festive” for the Baha’i month of Honor, and “Cold” for the Baha’i month of Sovereignty.  I’m in awe of the talent of the photographers that I work with, and having a lot of fun in the process of being challenged to take photos according to the theme assignment.

I went to the Shedd Aquarium on Monday for the first time in many years.

Since it was a free day AND Martin Luther King Jr Day, there were a lot of kids. Kids in strollers, kids screaming & running around, kids pressed up against the glass, kids with cameras…you get the picture.

My friends looked at me funny when said I wanted to hug the giant fish.  I guess I find strange things cute.

The problem with the Aquarium is that you have to pay extra to see some of the cooler stuff, and we just didn’t have the time or patience to do it.  I have discovered that I much prefer the Art Institute and the Field Museum…more to see for the cost of a ticket.

Do any of you have a favorite museum?


3 thoughts on “All about photos!

  1. Kelvingrove and GOMA (Gallery of Modern Art) (both in Glasgow) have to be the best museum/art galleries I’ve ever been to…mind you I could be biased!GOMA especially isn’t afraid to put on the kind of exhibitions that court controversy and publicity – but I think that adds to its charm!

  2. The Field Museum is by far my favorite favorite!!! I could be there ALL DAY. But I like fishies too, and dolphins and beluga whales…

  3. My favorite is the National Air & Space Museum. The Field Museum comes in a very close second. 3rd: Natural History Museum in DC.

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