A Calm Storm

The blog of Sholeh Samadani Munion


I tried this one in another place and got some really interesting responses. Thought I’d try it again.

What is the last positive thought you had?


7 thoughts on “Positive

  1. that everything that happens to us is, at that exact moment, exactly what is best for us

  2. Does it matter more if I had positive thought; or a positive frame of mind while thinking? I find thinking generally is negative because there are things beyond our own control which can easily be seen as obstacles, then we dwell upon that negative idea, sometimes for quite a while and never realize that our problem was thinking of that “something” as an obstacle to positivity in the first place. Thinking only gets in the way of feeling positive!

  3. well… this may not be exactly what you’re thinking of, but this quote helped me out with my “transition” when it started about a month ago…

    “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”

    i found it in “What Color is Your Parachute?” (2003 ed), page 325.

    i like the concept alot, for me it is positive.

  4. When I was falling asleep on the train this morning, I reminded myself that in about ten hours I’d be relaxed at home and free to go back to bed.

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