I think I ate too much. But all in all, it was very successful. A nice balance of family, friends, every meal imaginable, parties, & even some dancing! “SAY, by reason of your remembering Him Whom God shall make manifest…
Author: sholeh
I realized recently that my meals have been consisting of a lot of Thai take-out and Mexican food. While this is delicious, it is not always healthy and I missed cooking. Last night I picked out a few ingredients from…
A small group of us drove up to Wisconsin a few weeks ago to go apple picking. I spent more time taking photos than picking apples, but I still had a great time. For Halloween I had a lot of…
I was driving to a Baha’i event on Saturday, and my sister was in the car with me. As we rocked out to some Phoenix, a nicely formed little spider dropped down from my visor, right in front of my…
I am still here. In silence with the water forming lakes around my boots, with the golden red leaves forming islands around my feet. I am…in a few places at once. With tall buildings, cold people, fascinating streets (that dream…
A few weeks ago, my friend Melissa Diep asked a few other ladies and myself to be models for a “Trash the Dress” photoshoot with about 20 photographers. First we went to a location under the railroad tracks in downtown…
Today can only be called the Day of Ridiculous. It really started last night, when I was baking and cooking up a storm, and set off the smoke alarm at 9:30 pm. My neighbors must LOVE me. This morning I…
For years I have railed against the end of summer, the beginning of autumn. September was always a month of conflict for me: it is my birth month, but also when school would start up again, and when the weather…
I haven’t really been home for 6 weeks. I stop here to sleep, do laundry, refill my suitcase, and off I go again! Travels are over for the time being, life continues to be busy but I’m glad it is…
On sunset, there is a shadowed promise of the night my favorite time and I held my breath we closed our eyes there was everything surrounding in the stillness of the light. Today is my birthday. It really feels more…
This book “is the personal account of an interracial family’s struggle against pervasive racism in the U.S. and the horrors of the civil war that plagued Rwanda in 1994. Raised in the American Midwest, author Elizabeth Gatorano, who is White,…
“When we see the condition the world is in today, we must surely forget these utterly insignificant internal disturbances, and rush, unitedly, to the rescue of humanity. You should urge your fellow Bahá’Ãs to support you in a strong effort…
The trial of the seven Baha’i leaders in Iran has been postponed. As this New York Times article so aptly put it: “The Bahais have long served as the proverbial canaries in the coal mine of Iran’s theocracy.” Injustice against…
It seems like there is almost a reaching toward a not quite there feeling… we’re staring off into the distance, hoping for an answer. really, I was floating in this dream a soft, sunny place that reflected my heart and…
After several years of desperately wanting a digital SLR camera, I finally gave in and bought a Canon EOS 1000D. I am having fun, and I actually do carry it everywhere with me. Unfortunately I haven’t had a chance to…
Occasionally I like to bring web sites to your attention. I don’t arbitrarily pick sites…these are hand-chosen, finely tempered sites with class and sophistication. ;-) This post’s theme is “art & education”. First of all, my latest interview (in collaboration…
we were always on an adventure there were forests to explore, caverns deep underground the swimming pool every day in the summer the country back-roads, boiled peanuts on the way to Charleston the city streets of Chicago and fireworks at…
O army of God! Beware lest ye harm any soul, or make any heart to sorrow; lest ye wound any man with your words, be he known to you or a stranger, be he friend or foe. Pray ye for…
The sun was gliding past the trees, we found a wide patch of sun that set the grass aglow, peered into our eyes, and warmed our skin. The proper ingredients for a picnic are: 1. a thick blanket, large enough…
1. Gluten-free sugar cookies dipped in chocolate pudding are heavenly. 2. Aprons never fit me correctly. I always have to adjust them, which makes me ignore them altogether. But I really like the idea of an apron. 3. Driving a…
the best thing about walking through a crowd is the variety. to know all of their stories would be too much, we only see pieces of the parts of the person that they are. humans are so strange. we are…
“With aching hearts, Baha’is of the world focus on the events unfolding in Iran, the birthplace of their religion.” -Baha’i World News Service Every day I read the news. Whatever tragedy has happened in the world, the media is covering…
These last few weeks have really done a number on me. I finished up my work helping organize the 3rd Annual Baha’i Choral Festival at the Baha’i House of Worship. The Festival was wonderful, you can read about it here,…
One year ago. We walked in the darkness, the glow of lights far away. The mosquitoes attacked if we sat too long, and so we walked. The night was damp, the seats surrounding Bahji covered in dew, the rocks less…
I wait in silence as they whisper a thousand shouting voices drowning out the sounds of every love they have ever known I wait in heartbeats as they plunder the only things of worth they have ever owned And in…
“Raise ye a clamour like unto a roaring sea; like a prodigal cloud, rain down the grace of heaven. Lift up your voices and sing out the songs of the Abha Realm. Quench ye the fires of war, lift high…
I worked. Did chores. Planted things in the garden. Crossing my fingers that they won’t die or get eaten by rabbits. Made chocolate covered strawberries and apricots. Another article that I wrote went up on Soulpancake. Enjoyed the tulips in…
Just in case you were wondering, this is what I’ve been spending a lot of my time working on. You should come, it will be great! (For a larger version, click on the photo.) Also read this article.
We went for a walk on Sunday near the river, and I found my frog prince (ok, he is a toad, but the principle applies). Unfortunately, he did not change into a human being. Mr. Toad was quite adorable, however. …