A Calm Storm

The blog of Sholeh Samadani Munion

Search Results for: hose

The Power of We

“Blog Action Day brings together bloggers from different countries, interests and languages to blog about one important global topic on the same day.”  The idea of “service” has been on my mind a lot recently- how do we serve others?…

2 years, dear friend

“In His Tablets Bahá’u’lláh says that were we able to comprehend the facilities that await us in the world to come, death would lose its sting; nay rather we would welcome it as a gate-way to a realm immeasurably higher…

Abdu’l-Baha in America

by Sholeh Loehle (originally posted at Nineteen Months) Over the last few months I read Abdu’l-Baha in America by Robert Stockman. I enjoyed the little details that were obviously meticulously researched, as well as the focus on historical context around `Abdu’l-Bahá’s…

Timely utterance

Trying to remind myself of using wisdom in speech, and in all things… “Know assuredly that just as thou firmly believest that the Word of God, exalted be His glory, endureth for ever, thou must, likewise, believe with undoubting faith…

the hill

As we climbed the hill, golden leaves floated down and our footsteps scratched against the forest floor. Out of breath, we rested on a bench amongst the trees, and, looking up, saw two bald eagles circling around each other. There…

this is glamorous

My dear friend Laily has always had an eye for fashion and design, as evidenced by her blog and personal style. A while back she suggested a number of blogs to me, all of which were inspiring and interesting to…

Goodbye, Granddaddy

On Monday night I received a call at 10 pm that my paternal grandfather, Richard Loehle, had passed away. He was 87 years old and was a successful artist and writer from Georgia. My home is full of his paintings…

keeping busy

I’ve been trapped at home for the last week and a half with a nasty cold that is now subsiding after powerful antibiotics and enforced rest. As a result, my couch has a Sholeh-sized indentation in the middle, my back…

Do Aliens exist?

“Know thou that every fixed star hath its own planets, and every planet its own creatures, whose number no man can compute.” -Baha’u’llah NASA announced a discovery today regarding a “microorganism (that) substitutes arsenic for phosphorus in its cell components.”…

lucky stars

There are a few ways to count lucky stars. In the quiet way, 1 2 3 in a row, listed in order, in a way that makes you think of libraries, lace doilies, and trying too hard. Then there are…


It happens every few weeks, or months.  A reminder of what I left behind.  It comes with a sudden warm, coastal wind, or a flower that I saw every day, or a friend’s smiling face.  It sometimes sneaks up, like…


I am mired in this in-between state, keeping emotions at bay and I can’t seem to process anything right now.  My days are on the edge of frantic, the evenings a collapse into numb mindlessness.  I am scattered, but to…

Saying prayers

For the Yaran. For the flood-stricken in Pakistan. For the women of Congo. For everyone. Lauded be Thy name, O my God! Thou beholdest how the tempestuous winds of tests have caused the steadfast in faith to tremble, and how…

Baha’i Youth

“We may well emulate Bahá’í youth whose recent surge forward into the van of proclamation and teaching is one of the most encouraging and significant trends in the Faith, and who storm the gates of heaven for support in their…


O ye who have turned your faces toward the Exalted Beauty! By night, by day, at morningtide and sunset, when darkness draweth on, and at early light I remember, and ever have remembered, in the realms of my mind and…

Follow up

I got a lot of responses about my last post, in many different ways: email, chat, Twitter, Facebook, and, shockingly, real life.  I had no idea that the subject would resonate so strongly.  There were suggestions to delete/deactivate my Facebook…

The National Spiritual Assembly

It would be impossible at this stage to ignore the indispensability or to overestimate the unique significance of the institution of the National Spiritual Assembly – the pivot round which revolve the activities of the believers throughout the American continent….

Lost in time

The other day I was searching for something random in the Baha’i Writings, and came across this passage from Baha’u’llah.  It is just fascinating to me, and I thought I might share it with you.  Baha’u’llah explains how language has…


This is the Baha’i new year (167 B.E.).  I am feeling…settled, at peace.  I seek out peaceful things, spaces, and sometimes people these days.  Other times, I want to be surrounded by crowds. The Naw-Ruz post for nineteen days is…

The First Day of the Fast!

As I was reflecting on the Baha’i Fast, I remembered my time in Haifa, Israel.  I was lucky enough to participate in two years of the fast while serving there.  The photo below was taken from my flat one early…

The First Day of Ayyam-i-Ha

Are you doing anything special this year to celebrate Ayyam-i-Ha?  What things did you do as a kid, if you grew up as a Baha’i?  If you don’t know about this time of charity, gift-giving, and celebration, what would you…

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