“…as long as mankind shall continue to bestow more liberal applause on their destroyers than on their benefactors, the thirst of military glory will ever be the vice of the most exalted characters.”
-Gibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
I don’t have a lot to say right now, really. I had a fantastic day yesterday…we went hiking in a forest preserve, and I am really just happy that I survived since it was so hot and we were out there for 6 hours (pictures here). Also, I read the latest Harry Potter book in a 24 hr span. I am crazy.
I am quiet these days, happier to sit back and listen, or read, or be inside my head. I need social interaction, as I always have, but there is something wonderful in learning what it is to be on my own. If it makes me more serious than usual, so be it.
It is interesting to step outside yourself, to analyze your actions and see where things are taking you. It is also good to have friends/family that are honest with you, and who say what needs to be said, even though it isn’t always what you want to hear.
The reason I say all of these things is because there are a lot of people who read this blog, and I am pretty sure that I don’t know most of you very well. There are parts of me that want to learn about everyone around me, to be a friend, to cherish them. I also know that I don’t always have time for that, but if someone makes an effort, I am likely to do the same. The way the world is these days, with people being “friends” at the drop of a hat (whatever happened to the word ‘acquaintance’?), it is hard for me to say that I need more “friends”.
But I really love knowing people’s stories and trying to understand who they are, and that will always be something I cherish. So no matter how many lovely people are in my life, I will always welcome more.
5 thoughts on “In summary”
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I love the quote.
Do you go through cycles of introspection?
I think I do. Isn’t a bad thing unless I let myself get caught up in it. 🙂
There have been long stretches in my life where I’ve been more introspective, but I needed it that way in order to know myself better. I think those times can be really good for us. Of course, if I was feeling terribly lonely, I’d find opportunities for social interaction, but really… I always appreciated those introspective times.
Anyway… can I borrow your Harry Potter??? I’m dying for it right now. 🙂
Gibbon’s influence on Shoghi Effendi has never been clearer to me. 🙂
I feel like I’m working on avoiding introspection in favor of enjoying, praising and celebrating the moment. It’s exciting and liberating. We should chat. Seriously.