I drank eggnog tonight from Oberweis, it felt like a sin. mmm. I used to hate the stuff, but I come home to my parents house and it is calling me from the refrigerator:
“Shooooleh, come drink me, I’m eggy and sugary and oh-so-yummy!”
Then it giggles maniacally.
I’m taking my little sister to see the new Harry Potter movie this weekend. I won’t deny it: I’m excited.
I don’t like the holidays (too much materialism, and I don’t celebrate Christmas), but I do like how things are all decorated at the stores. Stores should be decorated year-round. But then I guess it wouldn’t be special, would it?
10 thoughts on “What a great combination!”
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I would also like to see the Parry Hotter.
Egg nog…blah. I’m anti-sugar!
From the refrigerator calls the eggnog so yummy
It’s sinfully sweet and it fills my empty tummy
I wish I could curb the irresistible temptation
to gulp down that creamy, ambrosial libation!
Just another silly post, never mind me… -JW
egg-nog and coke, now that’s what it’s all about.
p.s. hi! (and to state the obvious, i found your blog!)
mmm…egg nog. it was an acquired taste for me, too.
the other day I had an egg nog latte from starbucks, which sounds really strange (imagine cracking an egg into your coffee), but it was actually pretty decent.
as long as it doesn’t have rum or something gross like that.
Anya: hi!!
Dan: I was thinking about how good that would be just today. egg nog latte, yum!
Dan Jones: Nope, just pure egg and nog. 😉
Nice one, JW! And Sholeh: “…just pure egg and nog.” You crack me up.
new discovery: wassail-a little heaven in my belly it was….yum yum yummy-ever tried?
Leslie: No I haven’t tried it! Introduce me to it sometime. 🙂
Just now sippin’ on a heavenly special called the ‘Joe-Nog’ while preparing for my trip to Colombia; it’s an espresso latte with eggnogg, whipped cream, syrup and cinnammon… mmmmmm good! Have a blast in DC! Take care, -JW