A Calm Storm

The blog of Sholeh Samadani Munion

On the fence

Someone didn’t quite make it.

On the soccer field, Friday.


6 thoughts on “On the fence

  1. haha Mojan, I’ve learned my lesson. Doesn’t mean I’m going to stop playing, though. 😉

  2. I really like the fencing and barbed wire in this photo. It’s all regular and well-ordered at the bottom, and then at the top it’s more wild, more dangerous, yet still bound by mathematical rules.

    I’m taking a networks course right now where we analyze social networks with visualization tools. In our last problem set we started with a lattice network (imagine a ladder or a dna strand folded around to make a circle). Then we added a few links across the circle, and it made weird looping curves not unlike the barbed wire in this shot.

    Plus the soft fuzzy texture of the sweatpants against the totally /not of the barbed wire.

  3. Lev: Thanks. The fence felt very…impermanent. That course you’re taking sounds really awesome.

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